The Benefits of Choosing a Women's Trauma Treatment Center

Read on to learn about gender differences in trauma treatment and the benefits of women trauma treatment centers.

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What Is Trauma?

Trauma refers to any experience, situation, or circumstance that causes a significant amount of stress and disturbance in a person’s life. This stress can be physical, like from an accident or illness, but it can also be emotional and psychological. Traumatic stress is stress that exceeds a person’s ability to cope and is disruptive to their life. Trauma can affect men and women in varying ways, which is why women trauma treatment centers are important in helping individuals get the care they need.1

Traumatic events often have elements of both physical and psychological stress. A traumatic event may only happen once, or it can build through a series of events. Trauma can also be caused by certain circumstances as well, like ongoing abuse or domestic violence.
Women Trauma Treatment Centers

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What Causes Trauma?

There are a number of things that can cause trauma or trauma-related disorders in a person. Some examples include:
  • Child abuse or neglect
  • Physical assault or violence 
  • Domestic abuse
  • Sexual assault 
  • War or terrorism 
  • Serious physical injury or illness
  • Childbirth 
  • Witnessing a death 
  • Natural disasters
  • Witnessing someone else’s traumatic event

Symptoms of Trauma

Everyone responds to trauma differently. While some events may be traumatic for one person, they may be less stressful for another. Symptoms of trauma may manifest immediately, but they can also linger for months or years after the event. Common symptoms of trauma may include:
  • Numbness and detachment 
  • Feelings of anxiety, guilt, and fear
  • Anger, sadness, and helplessness
  • Feeling disoriented, in denial, or out of control 
  • Nausea 
  • Sweating, shivering, or feeling faint
  • Muscle tremors and shaking 
  • Exhaustion and fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts
  • Intrusive memories and flashbacks
  • Avoidance of certain situations 
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feeling easily startled or on edge
  • Increased use of drugs and alcohol 
  • Engaging in high-risk behaviors

What is PTSD?

After a traumatic event, some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Women are two to three times as likely to develop PTSD than men are. This is partly because women are unfortunately more likely to experience assault or violence than men. Women are also more likely to experience childhood sexual abuse and child abuse in general than men.2

PTSD occurs when someone continues to experience symptoms of trauma more than six months after the event. If you or a loved one is exhibiting these symptoms, it can be helpful to get in touch with one of the women trauma treatment centers near you. Women trauma treatment centers have the tools and resources to address PTSD in women and help them overcome their traumas.

Trauma and Personal Wellness

The effects of trauma can be detrimental to personal wellness. Unresolved trauma can make it difficult to maintain relationships, employment, or live a satisfying life. When someone is traumatized, their flight or fight system is activated. Often, this system stays “on” for an extended period of time, which can lead to negative physical and mental health outcomes.
Additionally, living in a constant state of fight or flight is exhausting and can lead to burnout in every area of your life. By seeking treatment for your trauma at women trauma treatment centers, you can prevent your trauma from further disrupting your life.

Trauma and Gender Differences

While both men and women experience trauma, they often have different reactions to traumatic events, including:3
  • Women are more likely to internalize their trauma. This leads to them feeling anxious and depressed at a higher rate than men. 
  • Men are more likely to externalize their trauma through anger and lack of self-control. They are also more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.
  • Both genders may develop physical or mental health problems.
Because women are more likely to experience sexual trauma, partner violence, or trauma at a younger age, it can be beneficial to seek treatment from women trauma treatment centers. These centers are female-focused and only allow female patients.

Getting Help at Women Trauma Treatment Centers

The lingering effects of trauma can be deeply problematic to a person’s life. Additionally, trauma can lead to the development of other mental health conditions. By getting treatment for trauma, you can also begin to address any other mental health conditions that developed due to trauma. Common techniques used in women trauma treatment centers and trauma treatment centers in general include:4

  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Exposure therapy 
  • Art and sound therapy 
  • Cognitive restructuring 
  • Medication
  • Alternative therapies, such as trauma-informed yoga

Gender-Specific Treatments

Treatment for trauma and trauma-related disorders is the same regardless of gender. While there are some studies about differences in treatment, the results are mostly inconclusive. However, for women with trauma, it can be helpful to seek out women trauma treatment centers, as a co-ed treatment center may not elicit feelings of safety in some patients.
At women trauma treatment centers, special care is used in choosing staff as well. Women trauma treatment centers work to create a safe environment for women to work through their trauma.

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care refers to the way that care is delivered and presented. This is an approach that takes trauma into account when providing care. Trauma-informed care providers are well versed in the types of trauma that a person may experience and are sensitive to not further traumatize someone when providing care.

Trauma-informed care helps create a safe environment for traumatized individuals to begin to unpack and resolve their pain. It is a cornerstone of many rehabilitation and recovery programs, as trauma can lead to the development of mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders.

women trauma treatment centers

Healing Trauma With Alternative Options’ Care and Guidance

At Alternative Options, we understand the unique needs of women during trauma treatment. We are proud to be one of the women trauma treatment centers in the Orange County area. We offer intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization programs, and outpatient therapy, among other therapies, for treating trauma in women.

Our programs include behavioral therapies, trauma-focused groups, trauma-informed yoga, and more. Our caring and compassionate staff will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan that can address your needs and symptoms. If you or a loved one prefer attending women trauma treatment centers, Alternative Options is here for you.

Reach Out and Begin Healing

Contact us today to get in touch with one of the best women trauma treatment centers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area. We will be with you every step of the way during the recovery process and will aim to provide the support and specialized care you deserve.