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Body Neutrality and Body Positivity During COVID

Alternative options Body Neutrality and Body Positivity During COVID Throughout the last year most of us have gone through many changes in our lives. With a lot of time spent at home away from our offices, classes, and gyms, we have learned to slow down. Because of our more sedentary lifestyle during Covid we may […]

Navigating Change, Expression & Connections During A Pandemic

Alternative Options Navigating Change, Expression & Connections During A Pandemic Before the pandemic seemed so far away, but now it is completely in our faces. This pandemic has affected people in so many different ways. We have either tested positive with COVID, or someone in our family has tested positive, or a close friend, or […]

Dealing With Grief During Holidays

Dealing With Grief During Holidays So how are you feeling about this holiday season? How is it really going for you? How are your emotions? Are you feeling the holiday spirit? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you dealing with grief? How do you deal with all of these things? For me I like to write, […]

Program Spotlight – Substance Abuse Program

Alternative options Program Spotlight – Substance Abuse Program Video Transcript: Hi, My name is Art Turner. I’m a certified addiction treatment counselor here at Alternative Options Counseling Center in Artesia, CA. My title here is Chemical Dependency Program Coordinator.  Typically what I do is assess clients with substance abuse problems, determine whether they’re ready for treatment, […]

Parenting, Part 1.

Parenting, Part 1. Video Transcript: Hi everyone, This is Jackie. Today we’re gonna talk about parenting. One of the most important jobs all of you have is being a parent. It’s the most difficult job. It’s the most challenging job, but we’re going to figure out how to do it together. At Alternative Options we […]

Recovering From An Eating Disorder

Recovering From An Eating Disorder Self-disclosure: I’ve never been a very patient person. When I set a goal, I delineate exactly what I need to do, create a timeline that is admittedly both too structured and a tad unrealistic, and I’m off! When I set my mind to something, I want it done. I like […]

“Screen Time”

“Screen Time” Do you dread your iPhone giving you your screen time report every Sunday morning because you know you’ve been doom scrolling too much? Many mental health conditions are being triggered due to coronavirus and repeated incidents of racial violence being reported in the news. Now more than ever is a great time to […]

“Special” Graduation

“Special” Graduation Counselor Jackie Johnston has a conversation with a high school senior. They talk about how her school year was disrupted by COVID-19 and ways to cope. Video Transcript: Especially after going through grade school for twelve years these were going to be the most fun months and all of a sudden we’re at […]

Parenting During Coronavirus

Parenting During Coronavirus Video Transcript: Hi, My name is Jackie and we all know that being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. These days it’s harder because not only do you have to be a parent, but you’re a teacher now, and you’re a person that plans activities for your […]

Gratitude During Times of Chaos

Gratitude During Times of Chaos “You have to look at what you have right in front of you, at what it could be, and stop measuring it against what you’ve lost.” Jonathan Tropper More than ever we are being encouraged to maintain our physical health through healthy habits and regular hand washing. Keeping our immune […]